Unfavourable or marginalised persons in the past have been placed into societal systems or open air prisons known as gulags and ghettos. I prefer the term open air prisons. This is more translatable to the current status of the world. This can also help explain the occurring situation and phenomena being organized at a global scale by monolithic corporations and world governments as well as ambitious regimes who seek to gain global domination.
Comply & Conform:
Regulating emotional states can be translated into regulation of action using sound cues to affect the emotional memory of an individual. We have 3 basic responses flight, fight, or freeze. Conditioning of these actions through cues is the base of remote control of an individual’s actions through thought.
Using sound patterns to activate amygdala persons effected in this way were conditioned over a period of time. Sound cues are initiated during action and then replayed to trigger action. Since the amygdala is responsible for emotional memory we find the mechanisms for anxiety and depression here. These two states can also be associated with action or inaction.
After long term training the cues are now programmed through conditioning. Compliance and conformity to the will of the trainer becomes second nature and the VICTIM has began to lose control of their mind and being constantly manipulated by handlers.
Individuals are given social tests to see where they fit in and are made to wear collaborating uniforms due to their beliefs. This is surprisingly similar to the armbands of the Jewish ghetto and concentration camps.
In modern translation or application looks like gang attire, sports fandom, anime fandom, or just color schemes. It is a self-procured profile stimulated from media and societal cues intentionally.
The handlers in the gulag are the guards or CO’s. The CO’s have a structure at the top are state agents or government officials and at the bottom there are the prisoners. It should be noted that the prisoners are accused and stand mock trials, are conditioned to believe they deserve this, and compliance to the handlers is the only way to any mental reprieve. This is only a perception and is not the reality. Some misinterpreted this phenomenon as gang stalking.
Rehabilitation or reprogramming:
Covert conditioning: To perform this on a more covert level ultrasound or sub sonic frequency is used to cue the individual. Animals were also used and controlled in this manner. The most common method seems to be cognitive conditioning rather than operant conditioning. Think of it like training dog with a dog whistle.
The neutral stimulus (TNS)
-Static environment
The unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
-Static activity
The conditioned stimulus (CS)
-Dynamic environment
The unconditioned response (UCR)
-Dynamic activity
-You are annoyed and notice the noise
-You subconsciously notice the trigger
The conditioned response (CR)
-Physical action or programmed thought
-The trigger activates a desired action
Sleep deprivation was also used extensively and conditioned individuals are used to train other people in the system. This is part of the cycle of conditioning. In areas controlled by persons using these methods as their mode of operation the population will mob individuals. The use of street theatre and gamification is used to covertly control the population.
For individuals that do not break they will use hybrid methods using a trigger and a reinforcement mechanism. They might have even developed electronic weapons that cause physical pain. These weapons might mimic the electrical signals of the natural nervous systems and replicate the response. The neutral function would be recorded in a living environment.
Jobs and Selection:
Pseudo social tests used to determine and seek out desirable personality that is that are then used to determine job placement or position in a particular group. A good example are prison gangs.
Numbers gang:
During a storm a senior member of the gang will present an umbrella and ask the member to hold the umbrella for him if he hold the umbrella he will be considered as being warm towards men and thus he is gay. If he does not hold the umbrella he passes the test and begins iniation and undergoes a series of tests that determine his placement or number in the gang. His number is like a Job title and dictates his responsibilities.
Security and Rule Enforcement:
Corrections Officers (CO’s) are used to reinforce the rules and make street level judgments about quarrels. These CO’s are selected from the general population. They usually have instructions on how to handle the situation. It’s safe to say they are making judgments in line with order and discipline rather than with the fairness of the law. They can be cued by either a handler or by a cueing syncronys cueing system such as compromised social media platforms.
The workers are sometimes operating in an environment that already has laws in place. These groups have been known to be members of rogue nations. There is also influence of organization in respect to trending crime trends Security is dispatched to protect the employees without alerting officials or the actual government employees (COPS).